Revised: 24 September
AD 2020
Our Lady of Ransom |
Economics & Morality
Our Lady of the Rosary Old Roman Catholic
144 North Federal Highway,
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Telephone: 954-428-2428
Authentic Catholic Mass, Doctrine, and Moral Teaching
Don't do without them
Don't accept one without the others!
Thomas R Eddlam - "Budget "Compromise" Would Increase Deficit from $1.29T to $1.58T"
Bret Arend - "IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end"
Jacob Hornberger - "Thanks to the Fed, They Already Are Defaulting"
Doug Bandow - "Rescue the Republican Party from the Interventionists"
raises debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion February 4, 2010
raises debt ceiling to $12.4 trillion
Dec 24,
- "Obama Raises ‘10 Deficit Outlook 19% to $1.5 Trillion"
Aug 25 '09 [Unemployment up too]
Walker - Our $100 Trillion National Debt [100 not 10.6, not 12.14, not
12.4 and not 14.3!]
of Richard W. Fisher, President of the Dallas Federal Reserve
H.R.1 American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Print) SEC.
Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United
States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in
such subsection and inserting `$12,140,000,000,000'.
Roday: Leap in U.S. debt hits taxpayers with 12% more red ink May 28
AD 2009
$546,668 per household
"Honest" national debt $63.8 trillion.
CNN Money
- "Americans' wealth drops $1.3 trillion" [in 1st Q-2009]
Quinn - "The Federal Reserve Must Die" Long but good -
history and nature of the problem of the FED.
FED President speaks the truth: Alan Rappeport (FT) "Lone voice
warns of debt threat to Fed"
February 16 2010
Economist Says National Debt Really $211 Trillion
“Economics ... is the science of tracing the effects of some
proposed or existing policy not only on some special interest in the
short run, but on the general interest in the long run.”
~ Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson, p.191
Fisher Investments-Annuity Assist
(Hat-tip to Mary Lowe)
Bread, butter, and food stamp economy: Is the US developing a permanent
under-class of citizens economically?
Credits and Debits: Understanding Practical Money Management
Thanks to Suzy!
The Hurricane Sandy Gas Price
Excellent article on anti-gouging laws
Who Controls The Money? An Unelected, Unaccountable Central Bank Of The
World Secretly Does
The Collapsing US Economy and the end of the world
How Hyperinflation Could Start in America
America's Next TARP Model - U.S. government loaned banks
$7.7 trillion in secret bailout funds at no interest and then borrowed
the money back at interest!
MF Global
steals from....
To my Valued Employees
Heidi's bar
"Whose Bread I Eat - His Song I Must
Economist Says National Debt Really $211 Trillion
Economic De-population of the Heartland
The Problem With Public Housing
Four Big Lies in Debt Limit Debate
Iraq War Cost
Wars' Costs Pegged at $4 trillion; $20 billion a Year for Air Conditioning
Jones Industrial Average
Dow Jones Average Charts from Yahoo!
1 Year Gold Prices from
We have found the source of the cash liquidity crisis.
a Trillion Dollars looks like in $100 bills.
attention to the silhouette in the lower left hand corner.
Even Better--What the National
Debt Looks Like--And Then,
The Unfunded
How Government Works
Political Science for Dummies
Tax Poem
for your Survival Garden
What's a Billion?
| - A
civic project to track Congress
- Center for Responsive Politics
The Tax
The Mint Act of 1792
the Congress
Contact Your
Representatives in Congress
Fisher Investments-Annuity Assist
(Hat-tip to Mary Lowe) |
Stellar Father Guarnizo
On Communism, Socialism And Christianity |
Articles from the Parish Priest
Essential Books
- Henry
Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson [online]
- Thomas
E Woods, The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of
the Free Economy
Dr Jeff Mirus Reviews The Church and the Market
- H.W.
Brands, The Money Men: Capitalism, Democracy, and the Hundred
Years' War over the American Dollar
- Murray
N. Rothbard, A History of Money and Banking in the United States.
[free .pdf
- Ron
Paul, M.D., The Revolution: A Manifesto
- G.
Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at
the Federal Reserve
- Robert
P. Murphy, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism
[With minor reservations about "free trade."]
- Anthony
C. Sutton, The War on Gold
- Murray
N. Rothbard, America's Great Depression But first read
brief article by Rothbard.
- Jim
Powell, FDR's Folly
- John T.
Flynn - The Roosevelt Myth (online)
- Lawrence W.
Reed, Great Myths of the Great Depression (online)
Foundation for Economic
Education Online Library
The First Great Depression
Timeline of the Great Depression
(Under Construction)
President Andrew Jackson, in discussing the
Bank Renewal bill with a delegation of bankers in 1832, said,
"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am
convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the
breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits
amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell
me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I
shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but
that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand
families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and
thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout
you out."
Dare We Call This
One a Depression?
Gordon Bibliography on the Great Depression
- Dale
Steinreich - "100 Years of US Medical Fascism"
- Peter Schiff -
"The Fed’s Last Hurrah" [socialist student loans]
- David
Friedman - "A Tale of Two Great Depressions.
- John
Silveira - "A quick tour of hyperinflation and the possible
consequences for America"
- William
Buppert - "Green Is Red" 3 October AD 2009
- Peter Schiff -
"The Recovery That Isn't"
[The jobless "recovery"]
- Bloomberg
- "Obama Raises ‘10 Deficit Outlook 19% to $1.5 Trillion"
Aug 25 '09 [Unemployment up too]
- Jim
Quinn - "The Federal Reserve Must Die"
Long but good - history and nature of the problem of the
- Johnny Kramer
- "Tom Woods vs. the Fed"
- Thomas J.
DiLorenzo - "Fascialism: The New American System"
- Federal Reserve Hiring Lobbyist for Political War
- Fed's
Fisher Says Bank Rescue Plan Would Worsen Fiscal `Chasm'
- Gary North -
"California's Day of Reckoning: May 19"
- Thomas E. Woods,
Jr. - "No, the Free Market Did Not Cause the Financial Crisis"
- Thomas
E. Woods Jr. -"Don’t Know Much About Capitalism" April 28,
AD 2009
- Gary North - "The
Economics of the Free Ride"
- Chuck
Baldwin - "The Big Business/Big Government Axis Of Evil"
- Steve
Bierfeldt (C4L) - "Three Health Care Myths"
- Tom
Mullen (C4L) - "The Forgotten Right" On property,
morality, and society
- Jared
Polis - "The Bailouts Are Devouring the Economy"
- Llewellyn
H. Rockwell, Jr. - "Bailout Bonds?"
- Mr.
Obama, "Who is to blame for the financial crisis?"
[Contains a nasty word or two]
- Thorsten
Polleit -"There will be [Hyper]Iinflation"
- Robert
Murphy - "The Threat of Hyper-Depression"
- Bill
Bonner - "The Feds Take On the Auto Industry"
- Patrick
Buchanan - "Should We Kill the Fed?
- William
Anderson -"Stimulating the Economy Into the Ground"
- Anthony
Gregory - "The Mixed Economy in Crisis"
- Mark
Sanford - "Why South Carolina Doesn't Want 'Stimulus'"
- Jacob
Hornberger - "Obama the Socialist and the Cause of
- Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard - "US backing for world currency stuns
- Rep.
Michelle Bachmann challenges UN global currency
- "UN panel touts new global currency reserve system"
- Walter
Williams - "The Hell With Our Constitution"
- Gary North - "The FOMC's Plan to Buy $1.1+ Trillion of
T-bonds, Mortgage Debt, and "Other Financial Assets""
-"Was Financial Collapse an Orchestrated Event?"
- Jeff
Tucker - 'The Sartorial Silver Lining in the Depression"
- Michael
Beitler - "Fannie & Freddie: Why Should You
- Serenity
Wang (CfL) - "Death by Treasuries"
- Peter
Schiff - "It May Surprise Obama" [and Bush]
But an economy cannot run on consumer loans.
- Robert Higgs - "It Would Be Cheaper to Fight World War II Again" - 26 Feb AD 2009
- Congressman
Ron Paul - 25 February AD 2009
- Llew
Rockwell - "Hitler Was a Keynesian"
- Michael S. Rozeff
- "The FED's Unsound Theories"
- Vladamir Putin Warns US About Socialism
- Michael
R. Sesit (Bloomberg) - "Bank Recovery Stalls on Donations to
Congress" February AD 2009
- Floy Lilly -
"Thin Air Meets Hot Air"
- Judy
Shelton (WSJ) - "We Need a Gold Standard'
- Thomas
Woods - "Fed Up With the Fed"
- Michael
Beitler - "Roots of the Banking Crisis"
- Jake
Towne - "Why Obama's Stimulus Plan Will Fail... and a Better
- Reuters
- "U.S. governors seek $1 trillion federal
assistance" 2 Jan AD 2009
- Rep. Ron
Paul - to Congress Nov 20 AD 2008
- George
W. Bush Repents: "the greater threat to economic
prosperity is not too little government involvement in the market,
it is too much government involvement in the market."
- George
Reisman - "The Myth That Laissez-Faire Caused the Economic Crisis"
- Thomas
J. DiLorenzo - "How Crackpot Egalitarianism Caused the
Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis"
- H.R.
2755: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act
- Murray
Sabrin - "Blame the Government"
- Clueless
- Emergency
Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
- Barney!
"Government is not the solution...."
- Fannie Mae's Patron Saint
and Rotten Mortgages.
- Zenit
- Novus Ordo Bishops on the US Economy!!
- 1999
NY Times on Fannie and Freddie giving it away.
- AP
- "US Mint suspends sale of 24-karat gold coins" (9/26/08)
- Joel
Stein - "Bailout? Just do Nothing."
- Gary
North - Blaming the Victim: The Free Market
- States prepare for home heating crisis
- Bill Huff -
"A Run on the Srate"
- House
Republican Plan (9/26/08) (.pdf)
- The Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President, Former Treasury Secretary, Head of the Congressional Budget Office and Leading Economists All Slam Bailout
- BusinessWeek
-Bailout Outrage Races Across the Web
- "$20
million for 17 days on the job" at WaMu!!
- Ten
Things You Should Know About Bush's Trillion Dollar Fleecing Plan
- Money
and Votes Aligned in Congress's Last [1999] Debate Over Bank
Regulation - How the banks got so large
- Ron Paul -
"The Austrian School and the Meltdown"
- JP
Morgan Chase Buys Troubled Washington Mutual Bank
- Wachovia
Shares Plunge as investors question fate
- Lew
Rockwell On the President's 9/24 Speech
- Jim Quinn -
"US Titanic" Making sense of the Bailout
- President
George W. Bush - 9/24/08 Speech
- Tom
DiLorenzo - "The Community Reinvestment Act"
- Ron Paul -
Creation of the Second Great Depression
- Lila
Rajiva - Questions for the Treasury Secretary
- Ron Paul -
Statement before the Financial Services Committee; Statement
before the Joint Economic Committee (9/24/08)
- Lila
Rajiva - "Putting Lipstick on an AIG"
- Michael
S. Rozeff - Paulson's bailout vs. FDIC bailout (9/23/08)
The Gold Standard
1 Year Gold Prices from
Wall Street Economic "Reform"
Articles Off Site (Caveat Lector!)
Williams - "Free Markets: Pro-Rich or Pro-Poor" 6/12/10
Richman - "You Really Want Government Drilling for Oil?"
Rockwell - "Hazlitt's Battle with Bretton Woods" 06/12/10
Hornberger (FFF) "The Liberal Assault on the Poor'
Hornberger (FFF) - "Minimum Wage Protects the Rich" 05/05/10 And
hurts the poor.
Michael Pollaro
(True/Slant) - "Money supply metrics, the Austrian take"
Art Carden (Mises Institute) -
"Why Economics Is Crucial for Ethics"
American - "Austrian Economics Rising"
Floy Lilley -
"The Economics of Recycling"
Thomas Woods - "Intervention and Economic Crisis"
Robert P. Murphy (Mises Institute)
- "DeLong on the Austrians"
Vedran Vuk -
"When Soda Was a Nickel and Social Security Wasn’t Much More"
Murray Rothbard = "The Value-Added Tax Is Not the Answer"
R. Eddlem
(New American) - "Austrian
Economics Rising"
Craig Roberts - "Truth Has Fallen and Has Taken Liberty With It Good-bye" 24 Maech AD 2010 [Possibly Roberts' last column]
Paul - "Healthcare and Economic Realities"
W. Reed - "7 Fallacies of Economics"
Durden - "It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital
Controls" 03/28/2010
Masse (NP) "75 years of funny money ... Since the Bank of Canada
was created, the dollar has lost 94% of its value." March 10,
Rothbard - "The Philosopher Theologian: St. Thomas Aquinas
Bill Walker -
"The Dead Hand of Foreign Aid"
Thomas E. Woods,
Jr.(LewRockwell) - "Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy
Revisited: A Reply to Thomas Storck"
Williams - "Modern Day Lunacy" (Insurance for pre-existing
conditions) 13 Teves 5770
Brian Wilson
(Lew Prophet
Bill Walker -
"Yet More Aid To Dependent Dictators" 24 December AD 2009
Paul - Statement Introducing the Free Competition in Currency Act
Murray N. Rothbard - "The Great
Depression of the 14th Century"
Pethokoukis (Reuters) China questions costs of U.S. healthcare reform
November 16, 2009
"[Failed] Olympic pitch cost at least $1 million" 10/2/09 ** and **
two day trip deposited as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 430 American families
do in an entire year.... ** and ** "The cost of Obama’s trip will not be close to $1 mil. It is
well over $10 mil if it is a dime." ** Send the Bill to Chicago! **
Fed Fighter: DealBook’s Ron Paul Interview October 2, 2009
O'Brien (The Hill) - "Obama open to newspaper bailout bill"
Torres and Robert Schmidt (Bloomberg) - Fed Rejects Geithner Request
for Study of Governance, Structure
Michael S.
Rozeff - "Bernanke's Collectivism"
J. H.
Huebert - "Hillary Out to Strong-Arm Swiss"
Thomas J.
DiLorenzo - "Socialized Healthcare vs. the Laws of
Economics" 29 July AD 2009
Peter Schiff -
"Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity"
Gary North - It's
Not Just That Global Warming Is Fake. What Matters Is Why This Fakery Is
Being Promoted.
Magister (Cheisa) - "Eve of an Encyclical. And from Germany, Marx
Gary North -
"Why Gold Owners are Targets of the Government"
Gary North - The
Gold Wars (.pdf)
Murphy -"A Moment's Reflection"
Esplugas Boter - "Ten Easy Arguments against Government
Gregory - "The Mixed Economy in Crisis"
Sanford - "Why South Carolina Doesn't Want 'Stimulus'"
Hornberger - "Obama the Socialist and the Cause of
Evans-Pritchard - "US backing for world currency stuns
Michelle Bachmann challenges UN global currency
- "UN panel touts new global currency reserve system"
C. Richards Science Is as Science Does
Sobran: The Reluctant Anarchist
Walter Williams - "Prosperity Lost"
William Rees-Mogg - "Is Gold Money?"
Zamichow - "Wonderland" October 2008
MAK - "A Brief History of Banking System" February 9,
MAK - 'Monetary Experiment at “the States of Guernsey”' March
9, 2009
Ron Paul,
MD - "End the Fed's Secretiveness" 26 Feb AD
D. Alston - "What the Heck is "Predatory"
Another Airliner Downed by Federal Policy
Lelong The Takeover of New York Harbor
Dr Paul
on Enron
- "Krugman and the Nobel Fraud"
Post - "Lehman Credit-Default Swap Payout Could Climb as High as $365 Billion"
- "Credit Default Swaps: The Next Crisis?"
DoLorenzo - A Fake Banking History of the United States [in the
Wall Street Journal]
and Murphy on the usefulness to the economy of Short Selling.
DiLorenzo - Hamilton "Our Founding Financial Dictator?"
is government SO bad with money?
Tabarrok - Separation of Commercial and Investment Bamking:
The Morgans vs. The Rockefellers [.pdf]
Jefferson on Money and Banking
Rozefff - "Public outrage over bailout,"
Commentary: Bailout will lead to rough times Note reference to "Community Reinvestment Act
required banks to make loans to previously underserved segments of
their communities, thus forcing banks to lend to people who
normally would be rejected as bad credit risks."
Ron Paul
- Time is Running Out."
Jim Quinn
- "The Mugging of America"
Rajiva - "Putting Lipstick on an AIG"
Fraud at "Fannie" in 2006
Ron Paul
- "Fannie and Freddie" 2003
Rozeff - The Fed's Failure 17 Sept AD 2008
Rockwell - "The Social Imperative of Sound Money" On the
"stabilizing conservatorship" of Fannie and Freddie.
George F. Will -
"Pencils And Politics. Who commands the millions of people
involved in making a pencil? Who is in charge? Where is the pencil
czar? Newsweek Sep 13, 2008
Higgs - "Ticking Time Bomb Explodes, Public
Shocked" [Fannie and Freddie]
Mark Thornton - "How
to Avoid Another Depression"
Ron Paul
- "In Government we Trust?" on Sound Money [Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
- ''Their Fair Share" (Taxes and the Rich)
Suprynowicccz - " Inflation Rate is 5.6%... and Other
Isaac M. Morehouse -
Government Projects do not "Create Jobs"
on I.O.U.S.A.
J. DiLorenzo - "The Myth of the Independent Fed"
August von Hayek - "The Pretense of Knowledge"
(Nobel Prize lecture)
Rockwell - The Heart of the State [the Fed]
Rep. Ron Paul -
"The Real Meaning of Inflation"
Who Pays the Income
Tax? The "rich" or the poor?
Who Doesn't Pay
History of US Income
Tax Rates
Ron Paul, MD -
Money for the Blind
to Bury Fannie & Freddie, Not Praise Them
N. Rothbard, "Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure'
Rothbard, "Herbert Hoover's Depression
Anderson, Fannie, Freddie, and a Primer in Finance July AD 2008
Where is the Outrage? July AD 2008
Jesus Huerta de Soto,
Juan de
Mariana: The Influence Of The Spanish Scholastics
Becky Akers -
"Wretched Rangel’s Angles and Wrangles" [Rent Control] 19 July
AD 2008
N. Grigg - "Women and Children Last" On redsitributing the blame
for the current economic disaster
Llew Rockwell _"War and Inflation" 6 June AD 2008
E. Woods - "Economics as a Science: A Catholic Defense of the Free
Market 1 May AD 2008
Ron Paul -
"Bailing out Banks"
Ron Paul - "Has
Capitalism Failed?" 9 July AD 2007
Mateusz Machaj "Oh
Keynessian, Where Art Thou?" 8 April AD 2008
Gary North -
"Moral Hazard and Really Stupid Loans" 5 April AD 2008
& Appleyard - "Meet the families where no one's worked for THREE
generations - and they don't care"
Ron Paul -
"What the Price of Gold is Telling Us" 15 March AD 2008
Liebowitz - The Real Scandal" NY Post February 5, AD 2008
Those loan defaults were often
the result of Cultural Marxism!
Wonders of Socialism - Deserted Buildings, Bases and More Web
Urbanist 2008
Sub specie legis -
Under the guise of law. Feds raid private mint. NY Sun 16-18 November Ad
Cheap Labor?
Thomas E. Woods,
Jr. - "What the Warfare State Really Costs" 12 September AD
Thirty Day Plan
Robert Murphy -
Reading List on Magic Money 20 August AD 2007
Rockwell, Jr. - "Reality vs. the State" 14 August AD 2007
Robert Wallach -
"Behind the Subprime Crash" 11 August AD 2007
Owen - "Pope condemns "socially unjust" tax evasion" 11
August AD 2007
Paul Craig Roberts
- "Uncle Sam, Your Banker Will See you now." - 8 August AD 2007
Gary North -
"If the Post Office Ran Wall Street... (6 August AD 2007)
Juan Fernando
Carpio & Manuel Lora - What if Rousseau and Marx had never
existed?" (August 3 AD 2007)
Brodsky (NY Post) - "The Nanny in Green" (Mama Mike Bloomberg)
Levin - Fan Forum "Intimidator" -- "This is what happens when
... you've never opened a book on business or exonomics."
Murphy: "Economic Growth Doesn't Cause Inflation (The Fed
Ron Paul -
"The 2008 Federal Budget"
Greg Perry:
"Fill Up Your Tanks on Gas Boycott Day" [For all of you who
sent that mindless e-mail without thinking]
Church Documents on Economics and Morality
Popes, Bishops, Priests, and Religious—much
like Politicians— often
write about what "ought to be," without careful consideration
of how what ought to be can be achieved in actual practice, and what
secondary effects it will produce—one cannot
change economic reality by decree. Particularly with some of the earlier
documents, one must recognize that the use and nature of money has
changed over the centuries.
Lateran V- Pope Leo X
Pope Benedict XIV
Pope Leo XIII
Pope Saint Pius X
Pope Pius XI
Pope Pius XII
Post Vatican
II—Caveat lector
Politely stated, the Vatican II era represents
"a Gestalt shift" in the Catholic approach to reality—less
politely, one would say "a heresy." The Modernism
condemned by Pope Saint Pius X in Pascendi
and the Marxism and Existentialism condemned by Pope Pius XII in Humani generis
are evident in many of the writings of the period. Modernism,
Marxism, and Existentialism all assume a flexible reality dependent on
human actions, opinions, and consensus, quite at odds with the fixed
reality in the mind of an unchanging God. "Caveat lector—let
the reader beware."
Pope John XXIII
Pope Paul VI
Pope John Paul II
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Francis
Comments on Encyclicals & Church teaching
My Comment: Caritas in
Woods' Comments on Caritas in Veritate
Thomas E.
Woods, Jr.- "What's Wrong with 'Distributism'"
Thomas E.
Woods, Jr. - "Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Law: An
Unresolved Tension"
Stellar Father Guarnizo On Communism, Socialism And Christianity
My Comment
of Evangelii gaudiusm of Pope Francis