Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Our Lady's Website
Our Lady of the Rosary Old Roman Catholic Church
Deerfield Beach, Florida

Dear Friends in Christ:

       Our  Lady of  the Rosary  is a parish of the Old Roman Catholic Diocese of  Florida.   It was  founded several  years after the Second Vatican Council  to maintain  the presence of the traditional Catholic Mass, doctrines, and moral teachings in Southeast Florida.  Our pastor is a fourty-five year resident of the area, over thirty-five years a priest.  Click here for Father's Biography

     "This Old Roman Catholic Communion is one in matters of Faith and Morals, de  fide, with  the Church  established by Jesus Christ.  It embraces all  such doctrine of the Apostolic See of Rome, and condemns all heresies  and other errors condemned by that same See.  It accepts as Catholics those who share this doctrine and conduct their affairs accordingly."(1)

     We pray for those who have not heard the truth of Christ, and for those who, having heard it, have chosen instead the ways of the world.  May God's love draw them into the unity of the Catholic Church founded by His Son.

       We  pray for  the return  to Catholic  unity of  those clergy, religious, and  people who debase the Church's teaching in order to make it  conform to  the spirit  of the  world; trading  the universal Truth of  Christ for  that relativism  necessary in a world religion where anyone may believe and do anything.

     We pray equally for the return of those who, while holding to the appearances of  Catholic tradition,  have given themselves over to the spread of  schism, hatred,  and falsehood;   either in their misguided zeal for  what they  perceive to  be the Catholic Faith or in the vain hope of making themselves look good by making others look bad.

     We commend ourselves  to the prayers of all  who persevere in the Catholic Faith,  not allowing themselves to be separated from Our Lord through comfortable and "politically correct" errors or the desire for disunity.   Indeed, we  commend ourselves to the prayers of all men of good will.

     We hope that the information contained in this website will be of interest and  value to  our neighbors  on the  Internet, both  here in Southeast Florida  and  throughout  the  world.    Your  questions  or suggestions for  improvement of this site are always welcome.  You can reach us  via E-Mail at the address given on the home page (just "click on it" to start sending  your message)  or you can visit us in person at the church during the times listed on the schedule published on this site.

     Thanks for your interest.  May God bless you.   Come, see us!

Sincerely yours in Christ,
/s/ Fr. Brusca and Parishioners

     (1)  Constitution of the Old Roman Catholic Church, (1986) article II.


Dei via est íntegra
Our Lady of the Rosary, 144 North Federal Highway (US#1), Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441  954+428-2428
Authentic  Catholic Mass, Doctrine, and Moral Teaching -- Don't do without them -- 
Don't accept one without the others!