Short Reading List
If I am aware that a work is available on the Internet I will link it to this list. Be aware that it may not be the exact edition or translation mentioned. You may be able to locate other versions by using a search engine such as If you know of a link to one of these works please let me know: There is also a longer reading list. And do have a look at Catholic Books Onlineand Free Traditional Catholic Books for free downladable books. In addition, of course, to the Bible, the Bible-II, the Missal, the Missal-II, and the Breviary... . and The Baltimore Catechism. Our Daily Readings from the Roman Breviary will enable you to read most of the Bible in a year's time. 1. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis. Various editions available, pick the one you feel most comfortable reading. This is a book of meditations, to be read a little at a time and reflected upon. 2. The Rosary in Action by John S. Johnson, . Rockford: TAN, 1954, 1977. Corny title, but an excellent compendium of scripture, instruction, and meditation material for praying the Rosary. 3. A Popular History of the Catholic Church by Philip Hughes, Garden City: Image, 1962. More detailed readers will enjoy Fr. Hughes' three volume A History of the Catholic Church. 4. A Catholic Dictionary, Donald Attwater, . Rockford: TAN, 1961, 1998 reprint. Doesn't everyone read the dictonary? Another Dictionary: Traditional Catholic Dictionary Online 5. The Church Teaches: Documents of the Church in English Translation. John F.Clarkson, et al. Rockford, IL: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1973. The teaching of the Church in Her official documents -- not just someone's opinions -- arranged by subject. 6. Dogmatic Theology for the Laity by Fr. Matthias Premm, Rockford: TAN 7. Moral Theology, Heribert Jone, 1961 Rockford: TAN. There are smoother reading moral theology handbooks, H. Davies, SJ, (Sheed and Ward) for example, but most are harder to obtain.
8. The various encyclicals of Popes
Pius X, Pius XI
and Pius XII, particularly in connection with the role of the Church with regard
to social, political, and economic issues. 9. The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy, Adrian Fortescue, 1912 Reprinted by Preserving Christian Publications, Box 6129 Albany NY 1997. 10. A Tour of the Summa, Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, Rockford: TAN 1978. Has a paragraph for each article of Saint Thomas' Summa Theologica--wonderful as an index, and will stand alone when the larger work is not available. Msgr Glenn has a number of basic philosophy books out of print but worth reading if you can find them. 11. Catechism of the Council of Trent for Parish Priests (Catechism of the Council of Trent), McHugh and Callan, TAN reprint. 12. A History of Philosophy, Frederick Copleston, S.J. Garden City: Image Books, 1962. [A later printing is available in three larger volumes.] Covers western philosophy from the ancient Greeks to modern times. 13. The Belief of Catholics, Msgr. Ronald Knox Garden City: Image Books, 14. The Popes Against Modern Errors. Anthony J.Mioni, TAN Books and Publishers [ PDF 1 ] [ PDF 2 ] [ TEXT FILE ]