Ordinary of
the Mass
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Mass Text - English
Lenten Observance
{Explain the Epistle before reading it. The reference is to the
journey out of Egypt during which many of the people were ungrateful
and many engaged in idolatry.}
Please pray for Alfie Evans, 19 Months old ,
another hostage of socialized medicine in Britain.
On Inequity
“These last have worked but one hour,
and Thou hast
made them equal to us that have borne the burden of the day and its heat.”
This morning's Gospel is one of few which, when we hear
them, we are tempted to side with the villain of the story. Any of us that
have gone out and worked—particularly hard, physical work, in the sun—tend
to side with the men who worked all day, and to agree that they should be
paid more than those that came along only during the last hour or two. The
story seems to violate our notion of justice. We are tempted, again, to say
that the householders generosity is a bit mis‑directed—if anything, a bonus
might have been given to the longer term workers.
But, like most of the Gospel parables, our Lord is
telling the story to make a point of more enduring importance; to dramatize
ideas of a more long term concern. In fact there are several lessons which
we can learn from the parable at hand.
First of all, the words which end the parable are a
clue to its meaning: “Many are called, but few are chosen.” Particularly
when we put the parable in the perspective of the rest of Saint Matthew's
Gospel, we see that our Lord is talking about the relationship of Jews and
Gentiles (non-Jews). Even though the Jews were God's chosen people; Even
though they had spent centuries serving God; Even though they had made the
forty year journey through the desert to the promised land; Jesus knew
that, ultimately, many would reject Him in the end, and would even crucify
Him. Many of them had, so to speak, “borne the heat of the day,” and would
receive no reward because of this rejection.
Our Lord is also telling us that there are inequities
in this life. Some of us are short, and some of us are tall. Some of us
are richer, some of us are poorer. Some are beautiful, some are down right
ugly. And our Lord is telling us that this situation isn't going to
change. And we are probably wasting our prayers, if we are asking God to
make us taller, thinner, smarter, richer, or more pretty.
But He is also telling us that those who are more
favorably endowed are not necessarily His chosen people. Indeed, it often
seems to work the other way around—Those who have things easy in this life
seem to be the ones who give comparatively little in return to God. Often,
what we perceive as a material gift is really just a handicap in disguise.
Just ask a tall person about the lower-back pain they have from living among
smaller people!
Overly attractive appearance can lead to unchastity and
incontinence. Great intellect—the intellectuals are forever inventing new
heresies, and are often unable to live in the world of practical reality.
(Communism is dead everywhere except in the universities and among the
intellectuals in the government and the Church.) Great wealth often breeds
a lack of charity, and contempt for the poor, perhaps even an insatiable
form of greed. And all of these material endowments present the danger of
looking down at others, as though we were somehow better than they—the
danger of losing all of our humility.
And, our Lord is telling us that we may be surprised
when we get to heaven and see who else is there—and who isn't. We, who are
religious, may well find that those people who had such a hard time with
prayer; That those people who seemed to fidget all the time during Mass;
That those people who had such a hard time keeping the Commandments; That
those people who had difficulty in life, yet persevered anyway; That these
people not only made it there to heaven—but that they received even greater
rewards than those who had things easy in life.
Our Lord wants us to understand that, after all, there
is justice. And that the justice and the generosity of God are closely
united; like the two sides of the same coin.
This scheme of Divine Justice and Mercy is one of the
main reasons why we have this period of Septuagesima and then Lent. We need
to be sure that we are using our earthly gifts wisely—using them for our
salvation—not allowing them to draw us down to perdition.
We need to be sure that we don't give up the race that
St. Paul spoke to us about this morning,
when we are only half finished—That we are not like the chosen people, who
spent centuries in God's service, only to quit their work, so to speak,
“just before payday.”
We need to be sure that we bring ourselves “under
subjection, lest having preached to others, we ourselves should be lost.”
These are awesome words that our Lord speaks to us
today: “Many are called, but few are chosen.”