Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost—13 October AD 2019
Ave Maria!
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Decorum (.doc)
One of the great questions in human
thought is: “where do things come from?—what is the origin of the
world?—what is the origin of life?” For those who lack divine
revelation it is tempting to claim that the entire universe and
everything in it just existed from eternity. But this “solves” the
problem almost by not asking the question! It also introduces some
scientific problems. Everything in our experience—every chemical or
nuclear reaction eventually ends—reactions proceed to completion; radium
turns to lead, hydrogen to helium; the Sun will one day burn itself
out—an eternal universe would be a dark and dead universe after all
these eons! An eternal universe would have had more than enough time to
become a run‑down universe.
But, fortunately for us, God Himself
has answered our question about the origin of things. He has revealed
reality to us:
In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. And the
earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep;
and the spirit of God moved over the waters. ... And God said: Be light
made. And light was made. ...
God’s universe is a creation of
matter, energy, space, and time, all out of nothing. Compared with the
fictional, eternal universe, the real universe is relatively new and
God has also revealed the
cooperation of His divine Son (called “the Word” or “Logos—λόγος”
in Saint John’s Gospel):
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God…. All things were made by Him:
and without Him was
made nothing that was made.
Knowing the origin of all
created things in God makes it plain to see that we are utterly
dependent on Him—we would have nothing, not even
our own selves, if God had not been good enough to create us (and to
keep us in existence). With the knowledge of this dependence, God’s
Commandment Thou shalt not have strange gods before me,”
becomes perfectly reasonable.
But, those who do not know God will
find it equally reasonable to be deluded into believing that the
universe, with all its power and wonder is divine—they are
most likely to mistake creation for its Creator. Indeed, they are
likely to imagine divinity in every existing thing (e.g. you, me, the
table, the chair, and so on)—this is called “pantheism,” meaning that
“all things are ‘god.’” Even more likely, they will make “gods” out of
the more visible and wondrous aspects of creation (e.g. the sun; the
moon; the earth; the fertility of animals, plants, and people, and so
forth). Even the most well intentioned of the un—informed will be drawn
to having false “gods” before the true God.
In our own time, liberals have
advanced crack-pot ecological theories revolving about the worship of
the Earth—as though mother Earth (Gaia—Γαῖα they call her) was a
“goddess” equal to God Himself. Indeed Gaia is placed far above
the true God, and above man whom God made in His “image and likeness
[having] dominion over the fishes … the fowls … the beasts … the
creeping creatures that move upon the earth and the whole earth” itself.
Catholics are rightly scandalized
that the Vatican opened its “Synod on the Amazon,” precisely with a
fertility rite celebrating Gaia (or Pachamama as the
“goddess” is known in the Peruvian Amazon! There is about an hour of
Indeed, all logical people should be scandalized that, simultaneously,
the ideological brethren of these ecological crackpots demand that we
“save the planet” by restricting the number of our children—or
even by eating our children instead of CO2 producing cattle!!!
They don’t even know if they want fertility or infertility!
The idea of eating your children is
most likely a satirical ploy dreamed up here in the U.S. But there is
an infanticide problem in the Amazon:
The working document for the “Synod
on the Amazon,” portrays the natives as an idyllic people—a people “in
touch with the cosmos,” whose culture is as much a source of divine
revelation as the Holy Scriptures—a people even without original sin—a
people whose difficulties all come from exposure to Western culture.
The truth is quite different! In an
article by Edward Pentin, tribal chief, Jonas Marcolino Macux, the chief
of the Macuxí tribe holds that the “primitivism” of the tribes is more
curse than blessing. The ecology people have made it difficult for the
tribes to exploit their local resources for their own economic
development. While they have overcome the tradition of cannibalism,
poverty has made it more difficult to overcome infanticide—without
resources, poor families allow sickly or defective infants to starve to
death. Rather than being told how wonderful their condition, the tribes
must be let alone so that they can develop a somewhat more modern
economy and culture. The tribe’s chief spoke of a “dictatorship” of
missionary workers teaching liberation theology that sought to prevent
development in the region.
More serious than Western meddling
in the Amazon is the possibility that the Synod will make impossible
doctrinal alterations for the Amazon people—introducing pagan customs
into their liturgy and doctrine, and allowing these modifications to be
allowed into Western countries. Allowing the ordination of village
elders is doctrinally permissible—ordaining their shaman wives, adopting
their ritual, or assimilating their doctrine is absolutely not! It
surely must not be spread to other regions!
When the early missionaries came to
the Amazon, they encountered people who did not know God or His
revelation. They were like the Galatians to whom Paul wrote: “But
then indeed, not knowing God, you served them, who, by nature, are not
They went to their false “gods,” but were excused by their ignorance.
But many of these people have been exposed to God’s truth and God’s
Church—the priestess in the video made the Sign of the Cross when
presented to the Pope—they no longer have the excuse of ignorance. Yet,
they are not guilty, alone, for their pagan practices—men in red
cassocks, and even one in white, encouraged them to deny God’s
revelation and holy law.
The Psalmist, King David, wrote: “For
all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens.”
“The gods of the Gentiles are devils”—it is our
solemn responsibility; the solemn responsibility of all Catholics—to
avoid the devil; to avoid those who go to the devil; and, above all, to
avoid all those who encourage the worship of the devil!