Ordinary of the Mass
Mass Text - Latin
Mass Text - English
Pope Francis has said some strange
things during his pontificate. It is hard for many to know when he speaks
authoritatively for the Church. I am a little scared about what he will say
to the joint session of Congress and to the U.N. later this month, but, not
actually knowing what he will say, I wrote the speech I think he should
Distinguished Senators and
Representatives, members of the Administration, Justices of the Supreme Court,
and worthy citizens of the American Republic: Thank you for inviting me to
address you on this occasion.
As a Catholic, I have a strong sense of
solidarity with the people of the United States, for your first founding
document, the Declaration of Independence, was informed by principles
written down by my fellow Jesuit, the Cardinal Saint Robert Bellarmine. I mean,
of course, the principles that the rights of men and women to “life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness” come from God, and are “unalienable.” That there are “Laws
of Nature and of Nature’s God.” And, of course, that “all men are created
My saintly predecessor, Leo XIII would have added a right to property to the
three mentioned by Thomas Jefferson, but Jefferson quite tactfully did not want
to glorify the concept of people owning people, which existed during that
formative period.
I would congratulate you on the free
market system that made America great, and did so much to advance the physical
and spiritual wellbeing of people around the world—I say “physical and
spiritual” because it is hard to find spiritual peace if one and one’s children
are without food, clothing, shelter, and medicines. American enterprise has
contributed immeasurably to the availability of all of these, all over the
world. Today, even the poor enjoy things that did not even exist
in the time of President Jefferson.
The Catholic Church condemns socialism
in all of its forms.
I am duty bound to point out that the more successful periods in you history are
also the least socialistic periods in your history. All of the Republic’s wars
and economic downturns are linked to excessive government influence in the
economy and the monetary system. Without your Central Bank, the Federal
Reserve, your Great Depression would have lasted a year or two, maybe three,
instead of running the fifteen years from 1930 until 1945. And no, Mr.
Roosevelt’s war did not end the depression—that took the
restoration of free enterprise, and its ability to rebuild these States as well
as the war torn nations overseas.
Consider the usury your citizens will
have to pay on the admitted 18+Trillion dollar debt, and some number of unfunded
liabilities in the hundred or more Trillion dollar range. Does anyone in this
assembly actually understand what a Trillion is in concrete terms?
Consider, also, the wars that were
fought, the people that died, and the homes destroyed, because “money printed
out of thin air” gave you the ability to fight them without raising taxes—much
to the delight of lobbyists and arms makers who are happy to finance political
campaigns with this same “funny money.” Think about the Americans who will die
due to “blowback.”
I must also call your attention to the
poor stewardship of the environment that socialism brings with it. Consider the
destruction of the Aral Sea by the Soviets, or go to Peking and just try to take
a deep breath. For that matter, the damage done by your own Tennessee Valley
Authority, or the recent bright yellow pollution of the Animas River by your
EPA. When all the people own something, nobody owns it, and nobody takes care of
it. (You can smell the reality of this at the 59th Street Subway station in New
York, as you cross from IRT to IND.)
The world is filled with people who
would like to make use of government to control and extort the common people.
Consider the “global warming” scam—it was “global cooling” just a few decades
ago! Astute bankers know that there are fortunes to be made in selling “carbon
credits.” Dictators are not above driving the poor off their lands in order to
plant trees which will earn them those “carbon credits”—the poor are left
homeless, and even dead!
The brokers of death at the U.N. are happy to see millions or billions die for
want of food and the energy to produce it—they would disagree with Mr. Jefferson
about the right to life—if human beings are getting a greater share of the
planet than the snail darters, the spotted owls, and the whitehaired
goldenrod, then “there are just too many people on the planet.” Communism is not
dead, and there are Marxists who hope to bring about the revolution of the
proletariat in the wake of massive deprivation.
I just mentioned the U.N., the United
Nations. My delusional post‑conciliar predecessors have claimed that the U.N.
is “the last great hope of mankind,” and that we need an “armed world authority,”
and an international organization “with teeth.” They were completely wrong!
The U.N. has been the promoter of genocidal wars in Asia and Africa, has
procured contraception and abortion in many poor countries, and is useless in
dealing with any of the political difficulties of our time. Big government is
an evil in itself, and world government will have to be worse. Please, do not
be a party to it!
Finally, before I take leave of this
august body, I would like to share with you an observation about something that
has plagued both the Catholic Church and these United States for roughly a
century. Our mutual problem has a technical name, but let me refer to it simply
as the “notion that truth is flexible”—that reality can be changed by talking
about it—that reality can be modified by merely saying it has been changed, or
simply wanting it to be different.
By way of example, an American male
athlete recently announced that he had become a woman. He had undergone some
superficial surgery, but yet, every cell in his body retains an XY pair of
chromosomes. The substantial form of his existence as a person—his soul—remains
unchanged (indeed it is unchangeable by physical means). Such a man deserves
our compassion but not our confirmation.
The Church regularly faces this same
fallacy, as people seem to think that words will change the truths of the moral
law. The Church is expected to change the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God”!
Such folks seem to think that “Nature’s God” should change His mind based on
public discourse!
The American Republic has not been
immune frmom the attempt to undermine reality. The decision against Dred
Scott and his wife and daughters conjured up a responsibility
for government to take away the right of liberty claimed for all men in the
Declaration. It further claimed, Mr. Obama, that no one of African descent
could ever be a U.S. citizen.
Korematsu did not strip Japanese,
Italian and German Americans of their citizenship, but said that they too could
be deprived of liberty for no “crime” other than their ethnicity.
Peace is not kept by bombing entire
populations into oblivion—even if the supposed “peace keepers” are wearing blue
helmets. Not even if the blue helmeted crowd proclaims an “International Day of
Nor, on the other hand is peace kept by arming those who have been the enemies
of Western Civilization for fourteen centuries.
Even if they seem to be moderate enemies!
The Declaration proclaims a human
right to life. Modern science, to which Americans have contributed enormously,
demonstrates that human life begins at conception.
Yet in Roe vs. Wade the Court arrogated the “authority” to put American
children routinely to death for the “crime” of not being wanted. And, Americans
are increasingly required to pay the executioners. (Even as they profit by
selling tiny body parts.) Lest we forget, the Court also arrogated the
“authority” to tell the States that they must change their laws to
conform—notwithstanding the fact that the federal government derives its powers
from the States and people.
Your Constitution mandates a federal
defense from invasion. Your laws have prescribed strong border security for
decades, yet people with multiple felony convictions flit back and forth, free
to rob, rape, and murder your citizens.
Those who come here legally see their opportunities for employment taken by
those who are not here legally—and municipal serves are overwhelmed.
At creation, God Himself made man and
woman as a complimentary pair. Virtually every aspect of their complimentarity
is directed to the procreation and nurture of children. Yet this obvious
example of the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God” has been defied by another
attack on reality in the Court’s Obergefell decision.
Reality has become the great casualty of
the modern world. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you
like your health-plan you can keep your health-plan….” And socialized medicine
will make them $2,500 less expensive each year! (Right?!)
The thirteenth and fourteenth amendments
fixed Dredd Scott, but the others remain, But I am confidant of the ability of
the American Republic and its citizens to put all of these distortions right.
May God bless you, your citizens, and your great Republic.
+ May the
blessing of Almighty God,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
descend upon you and remain forever. Amen.
Oh! And, do you think one of you could
call Ban Ki-Moon, over at the UN, and tell him that I won’t have time to waste
with them tomorrow? Thank you, and God bless!