Ordinary of the Mass
Mass Text - Latin
Mass Text - English
“For if the
ministration of condemnation be glory,
much more the ministration of justice aboundeth in glory.”
One of the difficulties faced by the
Apostles was that many of their converts from Judaism insisted that it was still
necessary to keep the Mosaic Law, and that converts from paganism had to become
Jewish before they could be baptized as Christians. On some level, their
confusion is understandable for part of the Mosaic Law contains the Natural
Moral Law—things like “thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” “thou shalt
not commit adultery,” and so forth. The Natural Moral Law is known even without
revelation, for human society simply cannot function if people feel free to
violate it's precepts. Our Lord spoke of these things when He said: “I have
come not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it; not one not, not one tittle
shall pass from the Law until it be fulfilled.”
Surely, that portion of the Mosaic Law that contained the Natural Moral Law had
to be retained, and must be followed to this day by all people—Jews, Christians,
or whatever.
But the Mosaic Law prescribed a number
of other things—largely ceremonial—that would indeed pass away with the New
Covenant that is Christianity. We no longer observe the kosher food laws, for
example. Baptism has replaced circumcision, and Holy Mass has replaced the
animal and cereal sacrifices of the Temple.
Yet, in today's Epistle, Saint Paul is
pointing out that the Mosaic Law contained a list of do's and don'ts that were
intended to please God, but which did not make the practitioner of the Law
radically holy. The Old Law was limited to keeping one out of trouble with
God—at least for those who carefully followed it. What Saint Paul calls the
“ministration of justice,” might, also be called the “process of
justification.” It is the process by which the soul receives sanctifying grace
and becomes holy and pleasing to God. This “ministration of justice” is far
more glorious than the ministration of the Old Covenant, for instead of making
the face of one man, Moses, glow with God's glory, the soul of every Christian
man and woman glows with sanctifying grace. In the New Covenant Jesus glorifies
the Father by making us as we were before the fall of Adam and Eve—the image and
likeness of God is restored in the souls of the faithful. God is glorified by
every soul that persists in the state of grace. The glow of the justified soul
may be invisible to us in this life, but it will be clearly seen in Beatific
Vision of God in the next life.
The admonition to “love God with thy
whole heart ... and thy neighbor as thy self,” is a capsule summary of the Law
that we must observe. If we love God we will be enthusiastic about worshipping
Him, keeping His day holy, and speaking His name only with the reverence it
deserves. Likewise, if we love our neighbor, we will be enthusiastic about
avoiding all of those behaviors which make life in society difficult or
impossible—those behaviors that keep human society from functioning—the beating,
and the cheating, and the lying and the stealing, and so forth.
Finally, let me point out that the hero
in today's Gospel was chosen by our Lord to make a point. The Samaritans were
considered outcasts and outsiders in Jewish society. During the captivity of
northern Israel in Assyria (734-732 BC & 724-721 BC), the Assyrian king settled
foreign people in the territory of Samaria.
At first they venerated their foreign gods, so the King sent a Jewish priest to
them to learn the veneration of the true God. By the time of Christ they had
done away with the false gods, but claimed a somewhat different set of
Scriptures and had set up their own temple at Mount Gerizim, and refused to
worship at the Temple in Jerusalem. Today's parable makes a neighbor out of
someone who might have been a stranger. The point being that we must be
neighbor even to people who may be very different from ourselves.
Only if we love God and our neighbor as
ourselves can the “ministration of justice” abide in us so that we will one day
share glory with God in heaven. Only if our souls glow with sanctifying grace
on earth will they glow with God’s glory in heaven.