[Ordinary of the Mass]
[English Mass Text]
[Latin Mass Text]
[Lenten Observance]
[Saint Thomas Aquinas
(Catholic Encyclopedia)]
Since it is Lent,
I want to urge all of you to make the effort to attend Mass a few days during
the week in addition to the Sundays. Be aware that we making the
Stations of the Cross before Mass on Friday evenings, and that we have Mass a
little bit later in the morning on most Wednesdays—consult the Parish
Bulletin. If you really just cannot make it to the weekday Masses, I
would suggest at least reading the Epistle and Gospel each day in your
Missal—the Lenten Masses offer a variety of Scripture readings that you will
not hear during the rest of the year.
Were today not a Sunday, it would be the feast of Saint
Thomas Aquinas, one of the greatest scholars and Doctors of the Catholic
Church. Born near Naples, son of the Count of Aquino, he joined the
Dominican friars in 1244. His family kidnapped and imprisoned him,
trying to turn him away from his vocation, but he rejoined the Dominicans in
1245. He was ordained a priest in 1250, and taught primarily at the
University of Paris. He wrote a large number of theological works, the
best known among them being his Summa Theologica.
Saint Thomas is also known for his music, primarily in
the pieces he composed for the Office of Corpus Christi. Every Catholic
has heard the hymn Tantum Ergo
Sacramentum, which we sing at Benediction; his Adoro Te Devote is another,
well known. His music has the advantage of being relatively easy to
sing, while conveying a first class theology in its lyrics.
The saintly Pope Leo XIII proclaimed that the
teachings of Saint Thomas were to be the norm for all Catholic higher
education, both for those studying for the priesthood and for the laity.
We can think of Saint Thomas as one of our patron saints against the Modernism
that has corrupted so‑called “Catholic” theology for the past half
century. There is no flexible or wavering truth, no dialogue or
dialectic in the Catholic teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
But I have
digressed here, so let me briefly comment on what Saint Paul had to say in
this mornings epistle, and how what he said relates to the ninth and tenth
and every uncleanness, or covetousness,
let it not even be named among you ...
as becomes the saints.”
The excerpt read
today from St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians is intended to teach us a
valuable lesson in our Lenten preparation for Easter. He is telling us
that, not only must we abstain from sin, but we must even refrain from giving
serious thought to sin.
Sin is not only,
or even primarily, in the physical action of wrongdoing. If we had to
name a single, essential, component of sin, it would be in the intention to
sin. Remember that we are created with free will, so that we can
voluntarily love God, and give glory to Him. Withholding this free act
of the will—allowing it to run counter to the will of God is the essence of
all sin.
Remember that
some of the angels fell from grace. And the angels are purely spiritual
beings, not given to any sort of physical activity—their sin had to be
completely in the will. What we are saying is that it is as wrong to
rehearse in the mind how one might sin, and to take delight from that
None of this, of
course, is new. And, even two-thousand years ago, it was not new with
Saint Paul. If we look to the Old Testament, we see that God's
Commandments included specific prohibitions of “covetousness.” Even
though we have a sixth Commandment which prohibits adultery, and a seventh
Commandment which prohibits theft; God knew it necessary to include a ninth
and a tenth Commandment, which forbid us from “Coveting our neighbor's
wife,” and from “Coveting our neighbor's goods.”
If anything is
new, it is the attempt by modern society to deny the reality of these
Commandments. In the media, if someone wants to poke fun at the
Sacrament of Confession or at traditional Catholicism, they often joke about
penitents confessing “impure thoughts, or desires.” They do so,
trying to make believe that there is no such thing as sin anyway; and that it
would be the height of foolishness to confess mere thought when no action has
taken place.
They come at the
problem backwards, claiming that “there is no sin if no one is hurt”;
totally ignoring the spiritual, and psychological, and sociological harm
caused by sin; and ignoring God's right to be obeyed.
The same folks
will often try to tell you that chastity is impossible; that fornication and
adultery are normal behavior for physically healthy young people. After
they turn their minds into cesspools of impure thought, they wonder why they
keep getting dirty!
There is another
interesting twist proposed by the Modernists—one against we should all be
forewarned. The Modernist, as usual, tries to turn the tables on us,
taking something that is true, and then building a falsehood around it:
He starts out by agreeing with us, “Yes, sin must contain an act of the
will.” But, then he goes on to say that, “there is no sin, unless we
positively intend to offend God by our act of the will.” And, of
course, he goes on to explain that very few people really have anything
against God, as to want to hurt Him—therefore, sin is a very rare
The Modernist is
certainly wrong—not because he recognizes the importance of the will in all
moral decisions—but because he fails to realize that even a negative act of
the will denies the honor and glory due to God. That is to say: I
don't have to purposefully hate God to sin—If I am simply too lazy, or too
self centered to follow His Commandments, I have still used my will against
Him. And if I use my free will in a way that is not in conformity with
the will of God, I have sinned.
This is not to
say that all thoughts are evil if they concern matters which are forbidden to
us. Often thoughts spring up into our conscious mind with no effort on
our part. Often temptation seems to come out of nowhere. Remember,
please, that temptation is not a sin—it is giving into temptation that is
sinful—taking delight from the thoughts which tempt us, nurturing and
entertaining them.
But we should
take precautions to minimize our temptations. We are obligated to avoid
the unnecessary occasions of sin—the persons, places, and things which are
likely to give rise to temptation. In this connection, we might be
particularly careful about the material which we read or view, and association
with immodest persons. Literature, videos, or people who glorify a
pleasure filled life, filled with material possessions, and sensual behavior,
should be avoided.
This issue of
sin, and sinful thought, and the occasion of sin is one with which we must
deal. A positive effort is required. An intention must be made to
ignore and avoid the ways of the world, and the snares of the Modernists.
As St. Paul tells
us, we must not join with “the children of disobedience... We were once
darkness, but now we are light in the Lord. Walk then as children of
light, for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and justice and truth.”