Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Third Sunday after Easter—22 April A.D. 2018
Ave Maria!

Ordinary of the Mass
Latin Mass Text-3rd Sunday
 English Mass Text-3rd Sunday


Please pray for Alfie Evans, 22 Months old.
Socialized medicine in Britain cannot diagnose his problem, refuses to let him go elsewhere,
and now wants to take him off life-support.



“Now, indeed, you have sorrow; but I will see you again,
and your heart shall rejoice; and your joy no man shall take from you.”[1]

    Today's Gospel has our Lord telling us that “in a little while you shall not see me, and again a little while and you shall see me.”  This has several meanings that we should be aware of.

    First, it was spoken to mean that Christ would be with the Apostles for a brief period between the Resurrection and His Ascension into heaven.  Then, from the human perspective, the Apostles would be on their own until they were again united with Him in the glory of heaven.

    In another sense, He is saying that after His Ascension into heaven, they would be on their own for just a few days, and then He would send the Holy Ghost to be with and guide them for the rest of their lives.  He was saying, in effect that He would be “represented” by the Holy Ghost during their time on earth.  And certainly, that they would see Him again after a time -- each and every time that they renewed His sacrifice of the Cross in the Lord's Supper, the Holy Mass.

    Finally, we can view this passage as a promise made to us.  Just as the Apostles, we are promised the company of our Lord in heaven, after a relatively brief period of struggle on our own here on earth.  And too, just like the Apostles, we have the twin gifts of the Holy Ghost and the Blessed Sacrament, so that we are never left truly alone or without God.

    There is a suggestion in our Lord's words that we can expect some degree of difficulty and struggle in our lives.  But, if we put up with and patiently accept that struggle, a reward waits for us in the end.  Just like the woman in labor that is ultimately rewarded with the joy of having her baby, our earthly struggle is promised a reward that will make all of our difficulties seem insignificant.

    St. Peter's epistle carries this a bit further, clarifying it in more specific terms for our lives.[2]  He tells us that we must refrain from carnal desires.  This is similar to our Lord's saying that we must not be “of” the world even though we must be “in” it.  Simply stated we must not become enslaved by the material things around us.  We may use them for legitimate purposes, but must not allow them to dominate our lives.

    Peter tells us to be subject to “the king or to the governors sent by him.”  He speaks of being “subject to our masters,” even if they are not particularly nice.  He is reminding us to be humble.  There will be people who have authority over us—this is natural and should not cause us to chafe under that authority. 

    By the way—you will notice that when Peter talks about authority, it is legitimate authority, doing good things.  He is not telling us to cooperate with those who usurp authority for evil purposes.

    When he tells us to be subject to “every human creature,” he is reminding us that we are no better than anybody else, and have no right to make ourselves look greater at the expense of another.  When we have liberty, or any other advantage over those around us, we are not to use them as a “cloak for malice,” that is as an excuse for doing evil and harming others.

    And, finally, St. Peter is suggesting the need for good example.  As Catholics we must not give those around us any excuse for mocking our Faith because of our personal bad behavior.  Even though the pagans around us may enjoy greater wealth and influence, the testimony of our good behavior is powerful enough to silence their foolish teachings.

    In fact he says that our good works can even bring the pagans around to glorifying God in the end.

    So, the Mass today should give us a great deal of encouragement.  There will be difficulties.  But if we adopt a spirit of humility, and detachment from the world—if we adopt a spirit of doing good of the love of God and the edification of those around us, we will be delivered from those difficulties and receive our reward.

“Now, indeed, you have sorrow; but I will see you again,
and your heart shall rejoice; and your joy no man shall take from you.”


[1]   Gospel:  John xvi: 1622

[2]   Epistle:  1 Peter ii:11-19



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