From the earliest time, on having assumed the
Apostolic See, We gladly turned Our mind and strength, and directed Our
thoughts to those matters which pertain to the preservation of a pure
worship, and We strove with God's help, by every means in Our power, to
accomplish this purpose. Because, among the other decrees of the Council
of Trent, it was mandated for Us to edit and emend the sacred books; the
Catechism, the Missal, and the Breviary. With God's help the Catechism
has now been published for the education of the people. The Breviary has
been revised so that we may pay our debt to God through worthy praise.
In order that the Missal and the Breviary may be in harmony, as is
proper and convenient (for it is highly to be commended that in the
Church of God there be one manner of chanting the Psalms and one ritual
for the celebration of Mass) We deemed it necessary to devote Our
efforts to the remaining part, which We had been contemplating from the
beginning, the editing of that same Missal. Therefore We directed this
demanding work to a group of select scholarly men of Our choosing.
Carefully, they collated their work with the codices of Our Vatican
Library, and with other incorrupt and reliably restored manuscripts.
They also consulted the works of the ancient and approved authors who
left these sacred rites to us. In this way, they have restored a
pristine Missal, in the form and rite of the holy Fathers. After careful
examination and criticism, with mature consideration, in order that all
might enjoy the fruits of this labor, We have ordered that a first
impression be printed and published at Rome, so that priests may know
what prayers to use, and what rites and ceremonies they are to observe
from now on in the celebration of Mass.
So that the rite of the Holy
Roman Church, the mother and teacher of all churches, may be adopted and
observed everywhere, henceforth perpetually, in all future times,
throughout the provinces of the Christian world; in Patriarchates,
Cathedrals, Colleges, and Parishes, whether secular or those of
religious orders; in monasteries, whether of men or of women, as well as
in the military orders, even in churches and chapels without the cure of
souls; when High Mass is sung aloud with a choir, or in Masses merely
recited; those who by custom or law celebrate in accordance with the
rites and customs of the Roman Church are to make use of this Missal
edited by Us for the chanting and reading of Mass. Likewise, even if
these churches have been in any way exempted, whether by indult of the
Apostolic See, by custom, privilege, even judgements of the Apostolic
See or any other means -- unless from the first institution or approval
by the Apostolic See, or by custom, they have employed a different rite
of Mass continuously for over two hundred years, in which case We in no
way revoke their right or custom. However, if this Missal, which We have
seen fit to publish seems more agreeable to the latter, they may, with
the consent of their Bishop, Prelate, or their whole Chapter, celebrate
Mass according to its rite, everything to the contrary notwithstanding.
All of the other churches mentioned are hereby denied the use of other
missals, which are to be entirely abandoned. To this Missal which We
have edited, nothing is to be added or subtracted, nor may anything be
altered, under penalty of Our wrath. This present constitution We order
and ordain in perpetuity. We command each and every Patriarch,
Administrator, and other persons of whatever ecclesiastical dignity, be
they even Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, or possessed of any other
rank or pre-eminence. By virtue of their holy obedience We order them to
discontinue the use the of rubrics and rites of other Missals, no matter
how ancient, which they have been accustomed to follow. They are to
chant or read the Mass according to the rite, manner and norms of this
Missal now given by Us. They must not, in celebrating Mass, introduce
any ceremonies nor add or recite any prayers not contained in this
Furthermore, by these presents, in virtue of Our Apostolic
Authority, We concede and grant, in perpetuity, that for the chanting or
reading of Mass in whatever church, this Missal may be followed
absolutely, without scruple of conscience, or fear of any other penalty,
sentence, or censure, and may be used freely and lawfully. Nor are
Superiors, Administrators, Canons, Chaplains, and other secular priests,
or religious by whatever order or title designated, obliged to celebrate
Mass otherwise than ordered by Us. We likewise order and declare that no
one is to be forced or coerced to alter this Missal, and that this
present document can never be revoked or modified but always will remain
valid and in full force. Previous constitutions and decrees of the Holy
See, general and special constitutions and edicts of provincial or
synodal councils, the practice and custom of the aforementioned
churches, established by long and immemorial prescription -- saving only
usages over two hundred years -- to the contrary notwithstanding.
It is,
therefore, Our will, and by the same authority We decree that after Our
constitution and this edition of the Missal have been published, it will
be required to be used to sing or read Mass by the priests of the Roman
Curia within one month; by others on this side of the alps within three
months; and by those on the other side of the alps within six months, or
as soon as it becomes available for sale. In order for the Missal to be
kept incorrupt throughout the world and be preserved from flaws and
errors, the penalty for non-observance by printers, subject directly or
indirectly to the Holy Roman Church, will be the forfeiture of their
books and a fine of one hundred gold ducats automatically payable to the
Treasury. Those resident elsewhere will be subject to excommunication by
an ecclesiastical tribunal, and to other penalties at Our discretion. We
decree by Our same Apostolic Authority and these same presents that they
must receive license to print from Us or from the Apostolic Commissaries
which We will appoint; that they must receive a copy of this Missal from
the Apostolic Commissary to serve as a standard of comparison for
subsequent copies, and that the copies must in no way vary from the
impression made in the City [Rome]; and that they must not presume to
print, publish, sell, or receive such books without Our license. Truly,
since it would be difficult for Us to send these letters to all of the
parts of the Christian world and have them arrive simultaneously, We
direct that they be published and posted as usual at the Basilica of the
Prince of the Apostles, at the Apostolic Chancery, and at the edge of
the Campo Flori. Printed copies, signed by a Notary Public, and
authenticated under the seal of an ecclesiastical dignitary will possess
the same indubitable validity everywhere, and in every nation, as though
Our own manuscript be displayed there. Therefore no one at all is
permitted to infringe or fearlessly contravene this page of Our
permissions, statutes, ordinances, commands, precepts, concessions,
indults, declarations, will, decrees and prohibitions. Should anyone
presume to do so, let him know that he will incur the wrath of almighty
God and the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.
Given in Rome at St. Peter's in the year of the
Incarnation of the Lord one thousand five hundred and seventy, on the
fourteenth of July, the fifth year of Our Pontificate.
From the birth of our Lord,
the year 1570, the 13th indiction, the 19th day of July, by the grace of
God the fifth year of His pontificate, our most Holy Father and Lord
Pius V, examined and ordered these letters to be affixed at the gates of
the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles, at the Apostolic Chancery,
and at the edge of the Campo Flori, as is customary, and this was done
by Joannem Andream Rogerium and Philibertum Cappuis Scribes.
Master of Scribes.