Regína sacratíssimi Rosárii, ora pro nobis!

Revised: 31 January AD 2021
Septuagesima Sunday


A Listing of the Writings of Archbishop Viganò
Some Writings are Within Commentaries, Others Stand Alone
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Letters of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò


Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America



22 August 2018 - TESTIMONY by His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana Apostolic Nuncio (PDF)  Calls for Papal resignation


28 September 2018 - Archbishop Viganò issues new letter on Pope Francis and McCarrick  (CRUX)


30 August 2018 - EWTN  The Viganò Testimony, Edward Pentin with Raymond Arroyo

29 March  2020 - A Remnant Interview with Michael J. Matt: Archbishop Viganò on COVID-19 and the Hand of God


8 May 2020 - Appeal For The Church And The World  To Catholics and all people of good will (COVID-19 Pandemic as a means of control)


29 May - A Cloistered Sister writes to Viganò. The two letters   (Stilum Curiæ).


1 June 2020 - Bishop Schneider (Auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan): There is no divine positive will or natural right to the diversity of religions


2 June 2020 - Archbishop Viganò: Our Lady warned of ‘great apostasy’ in Church followed by risk of World War III  (Lifesite)


10 June 2020 - The Root of the Problem - Inside The Vatican


10 June 2020 - Abp Viganò on the ‘roots of deviation’ of Vatican II and how Francis was chosen to revolutionize the Church (Lifesite)


7 June 2020 - LifeSitre:  Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now


10 June 2020 - President Trump's Thanks and Praise for Viganò  TWEET


17 June 2020 - ”Archbishop Viganò on Vatican II: “It Is Preferable to Let the Whole Thing Drop and Be Forgotten"  (Catholic Family News


18 June 2020  Viganò: Quash Vatican II Because It Was Intended To Bring About Evil  (


June 2020 - Interview With Phil Lawler (on Vatican II)


22 June 2020 - French priest and liturgist: Abp. Viganò can help other prelates talk about ‘defective points of Vatican II’


24 June 2020 - Answer to Viganò? Bishop Schneider Presents His Theses on Vatican II


26 June 2020 - Archbishop Viganò to Phil Lawler: Council Fathers “Were the Object of a Sensational Deception”  (on Vatican II)


3 July 2020 - Archbishop Viganò: I do not think Vatican II was invalid, but it was gravely manipulated  (LifeSite)


 6 July 2020 - Response of Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò to the open letter about Pres. Trump of Sr. Antonietta Potente (Church Militant)


15 July 2020 - 50 priests, scholars, journalists thank Viganò, Schneider for raising Vatican II questions (LifeSite)

29 July 2020 - Prominent Italian Professor (Enrico Maria Radaelli) Lauds Archbishop Viganò
and Discusses Doctrinal Confusion Since Vatican II (Cath. Family News)

30 July 2020 - ‘I see nothing paternal about punishing priests who do not want to profane the Sacred Host’' (Life Site)

3 August  2020  - Maria Schneider (Mother of Bishop Scjneider) has died.

11 August 2020 - Abp. Viganò reprimands Vatican for closing seminary over Communion on the tongue (LifeSite)

12 August  2020 - Christ the King has been ‘dethroned’ not only ‘from society but also from the Church’ (LifeSite)

14 August 2020 - On Vatican II & Bishop Barron's Word on Fire (Michael J. Matt, The Remnant)

15 August 2020 - LETTER to the FRONTLINE HEROES: Viganò on COVID, Abortion, and Destruction of the Family (The Remnant)

8 September 2020 - Archbishop Viganò lead the September 8 launch of a 54-day rosary novena for the election of Donald Trump (

14 September -  VIGANÒ predicts TRUMP will win 2020 "by the Lord’s right hand" Psalm 117  (Taylor Marshall)

23 September 2020 -Archbishop Viganò: Trump is ‘preparing to fight against the demonic forces of the deep state’  (Life Site`)

1 October 2020 - Viganò: Biden win would create new ally for apocalyptic ‘dictatorship of the New World Order’  (Life Site)

2 October 2020 - Viganò: Amid Vatican scandals, Pope Francis has dealt the ‘most devastating blows’ to Papacy, Church  (Life Site)

7 October 2020 - Abp. Viganò on the new document Fratelli Tutti of the Pope: brotherhood against God is "blasphemous" (Life Site)

14 October 2020 - Viganò on Pope’s ‘brotherhood’ encyclical: ‘A manifesto in the service of the New World Order’

21 October 2020 - Archbishop Viganò responds to new film in which Pope endorses homosexual civil unions (LlIFESITE)

23 October 2020 - ArchbisArchbishop Viganò sees evidence ‘that the end times are now approaching before our eyes’ (LifeSite)


24 October 2020 - Video and Transcript - Archbishop Viganò Addresses the Catholic Identity Conference 2020 (Francis & the New World Order) (The Remnant)
26 October 2020 News Video Summary of Viganò address to the Catholic Identity Conference

25 October 2020 - Christ the King - Abp. Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom  (Lifesite)

3 November 2020 - Viganò reveals details – including names – about homosexual lobby in the Vatican (Lifesite)

4 November 2020- Viganò: America is in midst of ‘colossal electoral fraud,’ we must pray NOW to defeat enemy (Lifesite)

8 November 2020- Archbishop Viganò on US Election: Reality Is Denied But Truth Will Prevail (Edward Pentin)

8 November 2020 - Archbishop Viganò slams US Bishops conference for claiming Biden is second ‘Catholic’ President  (Lifesite)

10 November 2020 - Viganò on the McCarrick Report: "The Vatican fiction continues."  (The Remnant)

11 November 2020 - McCarrick Report Is Mainly About Discrediting Archbishop Viganò –  ( )

13 November 2020 - Exclusive: EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo Interviews Archbishop Viganò About McCarrick Report  (NC Register)

17 November 2020 -  Tucker Carlson quotes Archbishop Viganò, calls out push for Great Reset ( News | Lifesitenews))

18 November 2020 - Tucker Carlson Talks Archbishop Viganò and Great Reset  (Dr Taylor Marshall)

23 November 2020 - Archbishop Viganò: Between The Lines Of the McCarrick Report  (Free Republic - Originally on 1P5)

15 January 2021 - Archbishop Viganò reacts to Pope Francis saying all must take the COVID vaccine  (Lifesitenews)

8 January 2021 =Archbishop Viganò slams US Bishops conference for claiming Biden is second ‘Catholic’ President - (Lifesite News)








Dei via est íntegra


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